Star Wars Voice Changer Download
Download Darth Vader Voice Changer DTVC app for Android. Parody the voice of Darth Vader of Star Wars movie fame - Ringtone Maker. I'm curious to know what kind of voice changing affects were used on Kylo Ren in Star Wars VII. It sounds like a pretty basic gravelly distortion filter that lowers his voice, but it still sounds unique. Darth Vader's voice changer had a similar lower-voice/distort affect, but an entirely different timbre. MorphVOX Pro can be used for voice changing/Morphing in VRChat. Here's how to set up MorphVOX just for VRChat: Run MorphVOX. Open VRChat and click on your in game Settings panel (escape) After the settings window opens go to the Microphone section and click on the arrow buttons until you get to the 'Screaming Bee Audio' microphone. The Star Wars The Black Series The Mandalorian Incinerator Stormtrooper Electronic Voice-Changer Helmet Prop Replica requires 3x 'AAA' batteries, not included. Defend the Empire under the helm of an Imperial Stormtrooper with this electronic prop replica that transforms you into a loyal Imperial soldier! Boba Fett (played by Jeremy Bulloch) is a legendary bounty hunter, accepting warrants from both the Empire and the criminal underworld from Star Wars. He only have a few sparse lines of dialogue throughout the Original Trilogy, but those very lines have made on Star Wars fans everywhere.
Darth Vader (born Anakin Skywalker) is the central character in the Star Wars saga, appearing as one of the main antagonists in the original trilogy and as the main protagonist in the prequel trilogy.
In this tutorial, we will guide you on how to talk like the Darth Vader with Voice Morpher, Equalizer Effects, Background Effects and Formant Morpher of the AV Voice Changer Software Diamond.
Click on the steps below to start | Expand all | Collapse all |
- On the main panel, click on the On/Off (1) button turn on the Voice Morpher panel.
- Move the cursor (2) on the Pitch-Timbre graph (also called the Morpher graph) to change the voice.
- For me, Pitch is 50% and Timbre is 158 % make me sound like Darth Vader most. So, I leave the cursor there.
Note: because each voice is characterized on pitch and timbre, it is recommended that you should try more or less to archive your most favorite pitch and timbre parameters to sound like Darth Vader most.
In the next step, you will learn on how to take advantage of one of most powerful voice effects in Voice Changer Software - Formant Morpher, Background Effects and Equalizer.
- Expand the Advanced effects panel and switch to the Equalizer tab.
- Click on the On/Off (1) button to turn the Equalizer on
- Make change to each slider at a time while speaking into the microphone to pre-listening to how you sound like.
- The below parameters are recommended
- Switch to Formant Morpher tab and try some changes to the sliders as per illustrated in the image below
- Next, click on Background Effects tab
- Click on On/Off button to turn the Background Effects on
- Check on Airliner checkbox of Aircraft to choose
- For instant use, you can download the Darth Vader voice preset from here.
- To learn how to use the preset of voice changer software, click here.
- Click here for more free audio effects.
Clownfish's API
You can control Clownfish by sending windows messages from your application( see Data Copy )
Sent command should be utf8 encoded string in this format 'X|Y'. X - numeric comand, Y-string/numeric value
Command X=0 ( start audio file ) , Y - is file location
Command X=1 ( start text to speech ), Y - text to be converted
Command X=2 ( enable/disable Clownfish ), Y - 0/1
Command X=3 ( set voice changer ), Y - (0-14) - selected voice (0:none)
Command Custom pitch 3|13|Z - Z float pitch level (-15.0 to +15.0) ex. '3|13|2.55'
Command X=4 ( set sound fx ), Y - (1-4) - selected effect (0:disable)
Command X=5 ( set sound volume ), Y - (0-100)
Command X=6 ( enable VST effect ), Y - (string) - 'disable', 'configure', 'VST name'
Command X=7 ( music control ), Y - 0:pause 1:resume
'0|C:musicgood.mp3' - start playing good.mp3 file
'0|' - stop playing any music
'1|How are you?' - start text to speech conversion with current selected narrator
'2|0' - turn Clownfish off
'2|1' - turn Clownfish on
Example connection from C/C++ application:
Star Wars Voice Changer Website Free No Download
Contact me if you need more information.