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Page/Link:Page URL:HTML link:The Free Library. Retrieved Aug 23 2019 fromGoldMine 6.5/6.7FrontRange Solutions Inc.6701 Koll Center ParkwaySte. Springfield 1898 krag serial number.
250Pleasanton, CA 94566Ph: 800-776-7889Web: www.frontrange.comPrice: $495 per concurrent userGoldMine 6.7 is the latest version of one of the most popularcontact managers on the market specifically targeting the small tomedium-sized business, though with its Microsoft SQL Server support itcan scale to larger installations as well. GoldMine is a full-featured,enterprisewide contact manager that allows the sharing of data betweenmultiple GoldMine users. Featuring an integrated e-mail client, sharedcalendars, group scheduling, mass fax/mail merging, PDA links, datasynchronization. Internet e-mail, sales forecasting and customizablefields, GoldMine is an extremely versatile CRM software program.GoldMine is well known for its almost 'plug and play'installation.FIGURE 1 OMITTEDIn fact, unlike many CRM software solutions, you can find it onretail store shelves. We should mention, however, that GoldMine also hasa strong partner channel comprised of individuals who will come in andhelp install and customize GoldMine to suit your needs. At TMC Labs, weactually got our hands on GoldMine 6.5 (not GoldMine 6.7), but theversions are nearly identical except for a few new features that we willlist later.One of the key features of any good CRM solution is record typing:the ability to display different details and views for different users(customer service, sales, accounting).
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Based on the record type, userscan specify what information to capture and what rules are applied.GoldMine 6.7 does an excellent job of this. The ability to customizeviews in GoldMine is complemented by its ability to customize andintegrate with any third-party database using GoldMine's GM + Viewtab (see Figure 1).
The GoldMine GM + View tab is essentially a Webbrowser so users can integrate to any third-party database. GM + View isvery powerful: companies can use any of the GoldMine fields to query athird-party database or even a Web site. For instance, you can pull up arecord and then go to GM + View to view the MapQuest directions fromyour office to the address of the current record displayed. GoldMinecomes with a screen designer for easy integration into other databasesor for displaying customized data on a Web page. Installing GoldMine was a breeze. Pop the CD in, go though yourtypical install wizard and, in a couple of minutes, you have afull-featured CRM system that can rival any of the high-end CRM packages(e.g., Siebel) that require professional services to install.
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We shouldpoint out, however, that GoldMine has a vast VAR channel andprofessional installers who will install and customize GoldMine to suityour needs. The default sample database was in the dbase file format,and we wanted to see how easy it was to migrate to SQL Server. GoldMinehas a wizard to migrate your existing GoldMine database from dbase toSQL Server; the wizard automatically creates the SQL tables.
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Overall,the procedure was relatively painless.Sales Forecasting And ReportingImportant to any good CRM solution are metrics such as salesforecasting and reports. GoldMine includes specific metrics that allowsales and marketing professionals to view forecasted sales againstmarketing programs, as well as closed sales as a result. The softwarealso enables users to track and analyze customer responses to identifyeffective campaigns.
The canned reports in GoldMine (see Figure 2) arequite extensive, and you can design your own reports as well.One optional add-on feature we liked, and which has been availablesince version 6.0 came out, is the GoldMine Outlook Link. This add-onfeature lets you use the popular Outlook e-mail client instead of theGoldMine e-mail client, while still retaining the integration with theGoldMine database. In other words, you can send and receive e-mailwithin Outlook and the e-mail will still be stored in the History tab inGoldMine for future reference, attached to that specific contact. Inaddition, from within Outlook you can add special GoldMine columns withGoldMine data fields, such as company name, and a 'linked'checkbox field tells you whether the e-mail is linked in the GoldMineHistory tab. Speaking of add-ons, GoldMine claims that an impressive 235third-party products are certified to work with GoldMine.GoldMine And VoIPAnother very interesting add-on (actually, it's a separateproduct) is FrontRange's IP Contact Center, which VoIP-enables bothFrontRanges GoldMine and HEAT products.
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The product delivers real-timeand historical reporting, queuing, automated call distribution (ACD),integrated voice response (IVR) and screen-pop capabilities and is basedon SIP. 'We designed IP Contact Center to enable companies todeliver superior customer service and drive revenue by streamliningcustomer communications,' said Kevin J. Smith, FrontRange vicepresident of products.
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'The key to productivity gain is the abilityto integrate the voice and data platform, enabling calls to be routedaccording to pre-defined criteria, such as agent skills or thecustomer's last interaction with the organization.' FIGURE 2 OMITTEDWe like GoldMine's 'Group' feature, which lets userscreate groups defined by filters (wizard-driven criteria, such as State= 'CT' and City not equal to 'Hartford'), by SQLqueries or simply by manually tagging records. Once you have a groupdefined, you can perform a mail-merge to this group and then print aletter to these recipients.